Haim Beidenkopf 2006-2007
- Institution of PhD:
- Weizmann Institute of Science
- Academic Discipline of PhD:
- Physics
- PhD Advisor/s:
- Prof. Eli Zeldov
- Dissertation Topic:
- Thermodynamics and Dynamics of the Second-order Vortex Glass Transition in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8
- Year Awarded PhD:
- 2009
- Institution of Postdoc:
- Princeton University
- Present Institution:
- Weizmann Institute of Science
- Present Academic Position:
- Senior Researcher
- Email:
- haim.beidenkopf@weizmann.ac.il
- Phone:
- +972-8-9346057
- CV
- Publications
- Homepage
Haim Beidenkopf is a physicist and senior researcher at the Weizmann Institute’s Department of Condensed Matter. He is a member and Principal Investigator of WASP – the Weizmann Institute Atomic Scale Physics Lab. His work in the lab, along with his fellow researchers, focuses on electrons subject to the periodic potential of the ionic crystal, various interactions, external fields and disorder conform to a wide range of phases. Among them superconductivity, Quantum Hall effect, magnetic and charge order. The lab is using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) combined with transport, to study these exotic electronic phases.
Prior to receiving this position he was a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University, hosted by Prof. Ali Yazdani, where he was awarded the Dicke Postdoctoral Fellowship. During his postdoc, his research focused on scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy studies of topological insulators.
His PhD research was conducted at the Weizmann Institute under the supervision of Prof. Eli Zeldov. His thesis, “Thermodynamics and Dynamics of the Second-Order Vortex Glass Transition in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8”, was submitted in 2009 and contained his research on the vortex matter phase diagram in high transition temperature superconductors. His discoveries in this field earned him the John F. Kennedy Prize for Academic Excellence and Scientific Accomplishments, awarded by the Feinberg graduate school of the Weizmann Institute of Science as well as the Otto Schwartz Prize for Excellence. The thesis findings themselves were published in Physical Review Letters.
Haim began his MSc studies in 2003 at the Weizmann Institute, and during his second year he decided to become an experimentalist in the Condensed Matter Department. He completed his dissertation in 2005 on the “Equilibrium B-T phase diagram of the vortex matter in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8”.
His work has been published in a variety of journals, including, Physical Review, Physical Review letters, Nature and Nature Physics.
Haim currently lives in Rehovot with his wife and two children.