
Inbal Oz 2017-2018

Institution of PhD:
Tel Aviv University
Academic Discipline of PhD:
Computational Chemistry
PhD Advisor/s:
Prof. Oded Hod and Prof. Avraham Nitzan
Dissertation Topic:
Simulating Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Open Quantum Systems
Present Institution:
Tel Aviv University
Present Academic Position:
PhD Student

Inbal was born in Haifa, Israel, and spent three years in France during her elementary school years. After serving in the IDF’s 8200 intelligence unit, she began studying for her her BA in chemistry at Tel-Aviv University, in the Research Program for Outstanding Students. As an undergraduate, Inbal worked on diverse research projects, experimental as well as theoretical, in the fields of classical physical chemistry, quantum physical chemistry and biophysics. After receiving the Rector’s Award and the Dean’s Prize for outstanding undergraduate students for every year of her BA studies, she graduated summa cum laude and first in her class.

Inbal is currently studying in the university’s direct PhD program under the supervision of Prof. Hod and Prof. Nitzan. Her research in computational quantum chemistry focuses on developing a thermodynamic description of nanoscale systems out of equilibrium, where dynamic quantum effects dominate. The calculation schemes require a construction of a theoretical framework as well as a numerical platform for simulations of nanoscale nonequilibrium thermodynamic processes. Once developed, such a description is likely to reveal new, unexplored quantum physical phenomena. Inbal has presented her research at numerous conferences in Israel and abroad.

As a teaching assistant, Inbal received the Rector’s Award for excellence in teaching. She has lectured at the Dov Lautman Unit for Science-Oriented Youth and currently serves as a member of TAU’s PhD Students Committee, with the aim of increasing the number of women in graduate school, at the post-doctoral level and in the academy.