משה גולדשטיין 2007-2008
- מוסד לימודים לדוקטורט:
- אוניברסיטת בר-אילן
- תחום אקדמי:
- פיזיקה
- מנחה/מנחים בדוקטורט:
- פרופ' ברקוביץ ריצ'רד.
- נושא הדוקטורט:
- Interactions and Interference in Nanoelectronic Systems
- שנת קבלת הדוקטורט:
- 2010
- מוסד בתר-דוקטורט:
- אוניברסיטת ייל
- מוסד נוכחי:
- אוניברסיטת תל-אביב
- משרה אקדמית נוכחית:
- מרצה בכיר
- כתובת דוא"ל:
- mgoldstein@post.tau.ac.il
- טלפון:
- +972-(0)3-640-8300
- קורות חיים
- פרסומים
- עמוד הבית
Moshe Goldstein is a physicist and senior lecturer in Tel-Aviv University’s Department of Condensed Matter Physics, in the School of Physics and Astronomy. His research is primarily concerned with the theory (both analytical and numerical) of nanoscale and low-dimensional quantum condensed matter systems, including: semiconductors, normal and superconducting metals, carbon-based materials, topological insulators, and ultracold atomic gases. These systems offer the fascinating challenge of understanding the interplay between quantum interference, strong correlations, topology, and non-equilibrium dynamics. Furthermore, they are important as the basic building blocks of future devices, including quantum simulators and quantum computers.
Moshe is particularly interested in semiconductor quantum dots and metallic nanograins, quantum impurity models, the Kondo effect, quasi-one-dimensional conductors (semiconducting and metallic nanowires, carbon nanotubes), Luttinger liquid theory, low dimensional superconductors and their application in quantum computing and quantum simulation, the Quantum Hall effect, topological insulators and superconductors and hydrodynamics of quantum fluids, Hall viscosity.
Moshe received his PhD from Bar-Ilan University in 2010, graduating with highest distinction. His thesis, “Interference Effects In Interacting Mesoscopic Systems”, was written under the supervision of Prof. Richard Berkovits. His research explored the behaviour of low-dimensional nanoscale electronic systems, systems that, on the one hand, have many important applications, since they form the building blocks of future electronic circuits and devices, and on the other hand, provide us a way of understanding strong correlation effects and non-equilibrium phenomena.
Moshe completed his MSc in 2003, graduating summa cum laude. His thesis researched properties of interacting disordered mesoscopic systems. Problems in this field involve mastering complicated mathematical techniques and physical ideas related to many-body quantum mechanics. Moshe mastered these techniques and completed his thesis within a year. He clarified the influence of weak electron-electron interactions on localization length using numerical calculations and analytical approaches based on random matrix theory, an issue relevant to the hot topic of two-dimensional metal insulator transitions. He also considered the influence of temperature on the magnetic susceptibility of mesoscopic systems, and found surprisingly strong temperature dependence.
After completing his PhD, Moshe continued his research as a postdoctoral fellow at Yale University. He was the recipient of the Bikura Postdoctoral Fellowship, the Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship, as well as the Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Moshe has been widely published in a variety of distinguished scientific journals including several publications in Physical Review and Physical Review Letters.